Benny Gruen Thoughts and ideas in couples counseling
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A group for couples
Author: Benny Gruen
2023-06-28 21:54:40
Hi everyone! Quick update regarding the job interview- as expected, I was not offered the job. However, they did offer me an unpaid internship to sharpen my clinical skills. Although some of you might think it unwise, I decided to accept it. (I hope I don’t regret it!) As part of this internship, I was invited to observer a virtual group for couples, and that is what I want to comment on here. The content of …
An interview
Author: Benny Gruen
2023-06-16 18:05:49
Hi everyone! I wanted to take the time to comment on a “mock session” that I had this morning- which was the first of its kind that I have ever experienced. The following case was presented to me: I have been working with a couple for 3-4 months. The boy is Jewish and the girl is from a Muslim family but she herself is an atheist. I already know everything about them and all assessments have been completed. The girl is no …
The miracle question
Author: Benny Gruen
2023-04-30 22:32:44
Hi everyone! It’s a miracle! Who doesn’t want to feel the happiness that can gush forth when something unexpected, miraculous even, occurs. Wining the lottery, surviving an ordeal, acing an exam, these are things that we can imagine. It doesn’t take much for us to imagine how we would feel if we suddenly had boatloads of money. Yet, many couples have never given thought about how their lives would look if all their …
Author: Benny Gruen
2023-04-27 19:37:08
Hi everyone! As a soon-to-be Wurzweiler graduate, I decided to start this bog so that I can share ideas in couple’s counseling. Over the course of the last 8 months, I interned at IOTSS (Intensive Outpatient Treatment Support and Services). While there, I had the opportunity to work with many clients and had the opportunity to facilitate group-therapy. I also was able to work with a couple and help them enhance their relationsh …