Michael Simcha Lax, PSY.D
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How One Man Transitioned From Kolel To Work – A Case Study - Part 3
Author: Michael Simcha Lax, PSY.D
2016-02-29 00:00:00
Recap: Chaim Lerner*, a 35 year old avreich, comes for counseling in order to identify a suitable career. We identify him as having Realistic and Investigative tendencies, and explore some possible career options. Session 3: By meeting with Mesila, Chaim established that his minimum annual budget was $65,000 if he stayed in Lakewood. Factors decreasing his budgetary requirements include affordable tuition and housing. Chaim’s father in law …
How One Man Transitioned from Kolel to Work – A Case Study - Part 2
Author: Michael Simcha Lax, PSY.D
2016-02-22 00:00:00
Session 1 Recap: Chaim Lerner, a 35 year old avreich, comes for counseling in order to identify a suitable career. He has a high school education, and no defined career interests. Session 2: Chaim reported that his Rabbi, Rabbi Tzadok, was very supportive of his decision to pursue a livelihood. He reaffirmed my message that earning an honest living can be part of one’s broader role of Avodas Hashem. Chaim also spoke to his friends who …
How One Man Transitioned from Kolel to Work – A Case Study - Part 1
Author: Michael Simcha Lax, PSY.D
2016-02-13 00:00:00
Follow Chaim Lerner*, a 35 year old Avreich with Smicha, as he makes the transition from Kolel to work. Session 1: Chaim Lerner, a father of 6, has been learning in a Kollel for the past ten years. He was supported by his father in law, and supplemented his income by tutoring. Since the support will soon cease, Chaim needs to start earning a livelihood. Chaim seems highly intelligent but has no exposure to the workforce, and does not have any spe …
Making the Career Choice for a Life of Satisfaction
Author: Michael Simcha Lax, PSY.D
2016-02-05 00:00:00
Humanity shares one overriding goal: the quest to find satisfaction in Life. And Life, for the working adult, can be chunked into three parts, one part family and leisure, one part sleep (hopefully), and one part work. Satisfaction in the slice of Life called Work is in large part determined by to choosing the best suited career. What then, keeps you from choosing a career that lends itself to satisfaction? 1. Deciding on a career path beca …
Making the Career Choice for a Life of Satisfaction
Author: Michael Simcha Lax, PSY.D
2016-01-19 00:00:00
Setting Students with Disabilities Up for College and Career Success
Author: Michael Simcha Lax, PSY.D
2016-01-19 00:00:00
We all want our children to succeed. When we are the parents of a child with a disability, we do everything we can to make sure they are afforded every opportunity to succeed. When an elementary or high school student has a disability, they are protected by the Individuals with Disability Education Act (IDEA). IDEA requires schools to offer both accommodations and modifications. Accommodations are designed to help students with disabilities meet …