Yehudis Wolofsky, LCSW Steps to Overcoming Bullying
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Turning the Tables on the Bully
Author: Yehudis Wolofsky, LCSW
2016-06-01 00:00:00
Turning the Tables on the Bully Humor combined with excessive sugar is an extremely potent weapon when combating bullying. The person who is able to feign concern for the bully has the opportunity of putting the tormenter in a defensive position while simultaneously creating a comedy show. The victim assumes that the bully’s behavior is a …
Turning the Tables on the Bully
Author: Yehudis Wolofsky, LCSW
2016-05-25 00:00:00
Steps to Overcoming Bullying
Author: Yehudis Wolofsky, LCSW
2016-05-25 00:00:00
Bullying is a common problem in our society; it is extremely cruel since it can potentially traumatize the victim for the rest of his/her life. Therefore it is the obligation of both the school and parents to address this crisis when a child is victimized; the school must invoke a zero tolerance policy and help the victim identify why she/he is singled out as a victim. The parent must address the issue with the child and help him/her …