NEFESH: The International Network of Orthodox Mental Health Professionals
Embrace Therapy Discussions
Michali Friedman, LCSW
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Passion Comes From the Boring
Author: Michali Friedman, LCSW
2017-12-20 15:22:38

Life is busy.  Balancing our work and personal lives make it busier.  And, when we have kids, life gets busiest.  That is why studies cite millions of parents saying they have no time for each other let alone themselves. So when parents have to be at work by 9:00 AM, have piles of unfolded laundry, and children who wake them up at night, how are they supposed to find the time and desire to be intimate with …
The Making of A Model
Author: Michali Friedman, LCSW
2017-12-05 12:40:44

Healthy parents want their children to surpass them.  Biologically we are primed to take this evolutionary initiative to strengthen our genetic codes for the next generation.  We achieve this through a variety of parenting techniques that hone our children’s skills and abilities and diminish their weaknesses.  Discipline is one of the most widely used techniques that can be effective in decreasing negative behaviors whil …
5 Secrets to Finding Happiness With Your Body
Author: Michali Friedman, LCSW
2017-08-21 20:35:05

"I've got serious body image issues."  "I never look at myself naked in the mirror."  "My husband and I have a touch but no look policy; everything is done in the dark under covers."   These statements are made by real people and all the time.    According to body image expert and author James Claiborn, the media is heavily responsible for our physical insecurities, imposing unrealistic expectations on what is the ideal b …
Taking the Leap
Author: Michali Friedman, LCSW
2017-07-27 18:20:10

Deciding to go to a therapist takes incredible courage as we often find ourselves needing to overcome the stigma of it or other people's opinions of it in order to take the plunge.  As Viktor Frankl emphasizes in his book Man's Search for Meaning, what helps us make difficult choices is knowing 'the Why.'  Why are we doing what we are doing, what is the meaning behind our motivations and choices. So why start sex therapy? Clients cho …
Passion Comes From the Boring
Author: Michali Friedman, LCSW
2017-07-27 00:00:00

Welcome to Sex Therapy
Author: Michali Friedman, LCSW
2017-07-27 18:18:11

The idea of therapy has long been discussed, criticized, recommended, stigmatized, and debated.  Add to it the concept of sex and all the thoughts and feelings on the subject intensify. As much as we societally celebrate our freedom, including our sexual freedom, talking about sex can still feel awkward and uncomfortable at best and intolerable at worst.  It's simply taboo. So let me use this blog post to address some questions one …
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