Aliza Berkovics Life's pondering moments and perspectives from within. Truth as it should be, normalizing life.
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Truthful Musings of a Mother
Author: Aliza Berkovics
Truthful Musings of a Mother
Author: Aliza Berkovics
Rosh Hashana, the Holiday Season Within
Author: Aliza Berkovics
2018-09-09 00:00:00
Rosh Hashana, the Holiday Season Within
Author: Aliza Berkovics
2018-09-09 09:10:07
Rosh Hashanah. Part of the high holy days of the year, the Jewish new year, apples and honey, honey cake, and wishes for a sweet New Year.
Noticing this year, myself included, the questions "What it's Rosh Hashana already? I'm not feeling it, how can that be?" School started and within a week, 2 weeks for some, the holiday is here. No warning, it's here. Clarifying, there were warnings, the Jewis …